Did you make a tin can telephone as a kid? I did but are there grown up uses for a tin can? We...
Where Can I Recycle That?
I am often asked, "Where can I recycle X?" or "What can I do with Y when I'm finished with it?" We...
Recycling is Good. This is Better.
There is something better than recycling. It is National Recycling Week and that has prompted me...
How to: T-Shirt Yarn
Tshirt yarn is really easy to make and it means those old holey t-shirts that don't belong in the...
Minimising Waste to Landfill
My major focus for 2019 was minimising waste to landfill from our household. Before moving on to...
Recycling is not the answer
Recycling makes sense, doesn't it? Reusing resources means Earth's finite resources last longer,...
Waste Reducing Principles
What are waste reducing principles? Well, they are the actions we can take to divert our household...