When I wrote about dressing sustainably, one tip I gave was about clothing repairs. The longer we...
Reducing Waste
How to: Homemade Yoghurt
Homemade yoghurt is one of the things I suggested you could try making from scratch at home. At...
How to: Makeup Remover Lotion
Makeup can be a plastic intensive product but makeup remover doesn't have to be. A while ago I...
Waste and Plastic Free Bathroom
I have sung the praises of shampoo and conditioner bars before but I have not written about a...
Refusing Plastic in July
Plastic Free July starts in just under a week. I've signed up to refusing plastic for the month....
How to: Knitted Dish Scourer
Lately we've been using a knitted dish scourer I made myself. Most supermarket dish scourers are...
Low Waste Vegetable Gardening
Recently I posted about reusing empty toilet rolls as seed raising pots. It got me thinking about...
10 Uses for the Humble Toilet Roll
Toilet paper has been in the news a lot lately. Who woulda thunk it?! Yep, it is clearly something...
Our Project Focus for 2020
It is already March and I haven’t shared my areas of focus for our family footprint project in...
Keeping Dog Waste Out of Landfill
What do you do with your dog waste? I’m posting a quick post today with a little update about our...