Are you stockpiling soft plastics, waiting for soft plastic recycling to resume? I'm afraid you...
New Habits
Cook Without Disposables
It is possible to cook without disposables such as plastic wrap, baking paper and aluminium foil....
Mindset Shifts for Sustainable Living
Changing habits is hard so mindset shifts are often required. This holds as true for trying to...
Solar Power One Year On
Our solar power was installed on 27 May 2020. Shortly after we were able to disconnect completely...
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: 25 Next Steps
Are you ready to reduce your carbon footprint to the next level? Have you taken some first steps...
Refuse – Top of the Waste Pyramid
REFUSE is at the top of the Waste Reducing Principles and, I've realised, for good reason. The...
Maximum Footprint Reduction, Minimal Lifestyle Change
Are you looking for the maximum footprint reduction with minimal lifestyle change? Although I...
Unhelpful Absolute Statements
There are some very unhelpful absolute statements going around. I mean the sort of statements...
Refusing Plastic in July
Plastic Free July starts in just under a week. I've signed up to refusing plastic for the month....
Our Project Focus for 2020
It is already March and I haven’t shared my areas of focus for our family footprint project in...