No New Clothes in 2023

I have decided that I will buy no new clothes in 2023. Two things recently have motivated me to do this. In January, my friend Lisa had a birthday party where the theme was 'You do you'. I decided to go dressed in 'Op Shop Chic'. Then, earlier this month it was...

What about the soft plastic recycling problem?

Are you stockpiling soft plastics, waiting for soft plastic recycling to resume? I'm afraid you might be waiting a while. With REDCycle facing legal action, it could be a year or more before soft plastic collections resume in Woolies and Coles. In this post, I'd like...

DIY Activity Kits for Kids

Over the years I've collected a few ideas for DIY activity kits for kids and I thought I'd collect them all together in one spot for both you and me! These make great lower-waste gifts for children's birthdays or Christmas. There are so many plastic-filled craft kits...

Consumerism vs Materialism

Consumerism. Materialism. Wait, aren't they the same thing? I admit, I hadn't really thought about it before reading, "Curing Affluenza: How to Buy Less Stuff and Save the World" by Richard Denniss. I kind of just lumped them into the same bag and didn't really...

Repair Day, Everyday

Did you know tomorrow is International Repair Day? There are many excellent reasons to repair things and International Repair Day, an initiative of Open Repair Alliance, aims to raise awareness of the value of fixing things. Why Repair? In a society that has become...

Eco-friendly Style

Is eco-friendly style an oxymoron? Does being fashionable not require a consumerist mindset? Or is it possible to be stylish and sustainable at the same time? Dressing Sustainably A while ago, I wrote a post about dressing sustainably. I mentioned that, in my effort...

I am not currently writing for Family Footprint Project as I have returned to university to become a counsellor. I am leaving it up as an archive for now. I hope you find it helpful for working on your own family footprint project.

What is Conscious Consumption?

What is Conscious Consumption?

I use the phrase 'conscious consumption' quite a bit. I think it might need a bit of elaboration, particularly my definition of it. Conscious consumption is often thought of as being 'ethical consumption'. While that does play a role, in my mind we need to bring more...

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My Sustainable Living Reading List

My Sustainable Living Reading List

What is on my sustainable living reading list? I am an avid reader (and listener - I love audiobooks!). Last month I posted about Tim Flannery's The Weather Makers. I thought I would share a few more recommendations this month and also a list of other books on my...

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Managing Organic Waste If You Can’t Compost

Managing Organic Waste If You Can’t Compost

How can you manage organic waste if you can’t compost at home? We are fortunate to have a garden and space to deal with our organic waste on-site but what if you live in an apartment? There might be many reasons why managing organic waste is difficult because you...

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