Changing habits is hard so mindset shifts are often required. This holds as true for trying to...
imperfect action
We are Still The Weather Makers
Late last year I read 'The Weather Makers' by Tim Flannery. It was published in 2005. Other than...
Unhelpful Absolute Statements
There are some very unhelpful absolute statements going around. I mean the sort of statements...
Key Takeaways from “A Life on Our Planet”
Have you seen David Attenborough's new film, "A Life on Our Planet" on Netflix yet? Attenborough...
Lighter steps in a global crisis
Globally, we’re living through something right now that most of us never imagined. Is it possible...
Everyday Environmental Activism
Is it time for some everyday environmental activism at your place? You've been making changes to...
Is ‘plastic free’ the right goal?
As we approach the end of Plastic Free July for 2019, I'm looking back on a month of noticing all...
Banishing Eco-Guilt
Today I'm committing to banishing eco-guilt from my life and I want you to do the same. Yes we are...
Perfection is not the Goal
Perfection is not the goal of my Family Footprint Project and I hope it is not the goal of yours...